Jumat, 01 April 2011

Wood Waste Processing

WOOD of waste handling is a problem that had been left to rot, stacked and burned all of which impact negatively on the environment so that mitigation should be considered. One way that can be taken is to use a value-added products with applied technology and populist so the results are easily socialized to masyarakat.Hasil evaluation showed some positive prospects as an example of applied technology can be applied satisfactorily defined in the processing industry to convert waste wood into charcoal powder , briquette charcoal, activated charcoal, charcoal, compost and soil-applied technology and populist conditioning.Penerapan can be developed into a large scale (pilot and commercial), both technically and economically. Furthermore, the success of waste utilization, among others, can benefit in terms of forestry and timber industry to reduce dependence on conventional raw material (wood), thereby reducing the rate of logging / forest damage and optimize the use of timber as well as save the family monthly expenditure and improve soil fertility. 

Charcoal Powder and Charcoal lump 
Especially for the manufacture of sawn wood charcoal from sawdust, the technology used is different from the way of making charcoal storage systems and brick kilns. The technology used in the process of making charcoal from wood sawdust is to use a modified drum and fitted with air holes around the drum body and chimneys in the middle drum body. Rendement sawdust charcoal produced in this way amounted to 15-20%. bound carbon content of 50-72 cal / g and charcoal calorific value between 5800-6300 cal / g. Given the way it is less effective when viewed from the long process of making charcoal powder which takes more than 10 hours with the result that not too many, then created a new technology to overcome the shortcomings the way the drum. This technology is designed with a construction made of iron plate elbow which can be dismantled pairs (the bolt) and covered with sheets of zinc are also using a system of bolts. In one day (9 hours) can compose as much powder 150-200 kg which produces charcoal yield between 20-24%. 3.49% moisture content, ash content 5.19%, 28.93% volatile matter content and carbon content of 65.88%. Sawdust charcoal produced can be made or further processing into briquettes charcoal, activated charcoal, and as a medium for plant seedlings. Cost to make this semi-continuous kiln is Rp. 2000.000, - For sebetan waste and cut the tip can be made using a charcoal stove dome made of bricks dipelester with clay and a container equipped with a tool or cool the smoke coming out of the chimney so obtained liquid and tar distillate that can be applied further. Wood vinegar liquid in Thailand is a major product in terms of making charcoal was previously a side product due to higher selling prices yanitu at 50 Bath / L while the ashes are only valuable to 4 Bath / kg. From the furnace capacity of 4.5 tonnes of distillate produced as much as 150 liters of fluid and charcoal as much as 800 kg (Sujarwo, 2000). Results of research conducted by Nurhayati (2000) showed that the furnace with a capacity of 445 kg of charcoal produces as much as 60.6 kg and 75.5 kg of distillate liquid. The cost of making furnace bricks plastered with clay which is equipped with tool cooling process Rp. 4000.000 (Nurhayati, 2000). 

Activated charcoal 

Activated charcoal is charcoal that is processed further at higher temperatures so that the pores open and can be used as adsorbent material. The process used by most of the way in which chemical raw material soaked in the solution, CaCl2, MgCl2, ZnCl2 further heated by burning at a temperature of 5000C. The results showed that the quality of activated carbon in this case the absorption of iodine to meet the SII standards for instance, absorbs more than 20%. In accordance with the development of technologies and standards are more stringent requirements as well as environmental issues, this technology is not possible to be further developed especially for use ZnCl2 activating material that can remove chlorine gas at the time of activation. 

Mensikapi cases mentioned above, has been active charcoal-making technology improvements by the oxidation of gas at high temperature and a combination of chemical means using H3PO4 as an activator material and oxidizing gas. The results Pari (1996) concluded that the activated charcoal from sawmill sawdust generated sengon chemical can be used to attract metals Zn, Fe, Mn, Cl, PO4 and SO4 contained in terkontaminas water wells and also can be used to purify industrial waste water paper pulp (Pari, 1996). Activated charcoal is activated by activating material NH4HCO3 produce activated charcoal that meet Japanese standards with iodine absorption of more than 1050 mg / g and active charcoal yield of 38.5% (Pari, 1999). 

In 1986 established an active charcoal plant in Kalimantan, which make activated carbon from waste sawdust sawn timber with a capacity of 3,000 tons / yr. Until now there are two processing plants that use activated charcoal powder sawn timber as its main raw material. Quality of activated charcoal produced meet the SNI because iodine absorption of more than 750 mg / g, but do not meet Japanese standards. The selling price of activated carbon vary between Rp 6,500 - Rp 15.000/kg depending on the desired quality. For German-made activated charcoal price mencapi Rp 65,000 / 0.5 kg. 

Charcoal briquettes 

Briquette charcoal is charcoal that is processed further to form briquettes (performance and packaging are more attractive) that can be used for daily energy needs. Manufacture of charcoal briquettes from waste wood processing industry is done by the addition of tapioca glue, where the raw materials prior diarangkan first and then pounded, dicapur adhesives, printed (kempa cold) with subsequent manual system hidroulik dried. The results Hartoyo, Ando and Roliadi (1978) concluded that the quality of charcoal briquettes produced commensurate with charcoal briquettes made in England and meet the requirements applicable in Japan because it produces ash content and volatile substances of low and high carbon content and calorific value bound. In addition, research results Sudrajat (1983) who make charcoal briquettes from 8 types of wood with an adhesive mixture of starch and molasses concluded that the higher the density of wood, charcoal briquettes karepatan higher as well. The resulting density of between 0.45 to 1.03 g/cm3 and calorific value between 7290-7456 cal / g. 

Manufacture of charcoal briquettes are made now are the raw materials used are already directly in the form of charcoal powder so that the process of grinding and sifting the raw material that made earlier can be eliminated. The next process is the addition of tapioca glue and pressing as the manufacture of charcoal briquettes before. To create a print tool briquettes hidroulik manual system with the number of holes 24 pieces of required cost of Rp 18,000,000, - 

In 1990 standing charcoal briquettes without glue factory in West Java and East Java which uses sawdust sawn timber as its main raw material. The process of making charcoal briquettes different from the way mentioned above. The raw material powder further dried sawn timber made of wood briquettes with rotating screw system up and running while heated and then diarangkan in brick kilns. The quality of charcoal briquettes produced have a calorific value of less than 7000 cal / g is equal to 6341 cal / g and carbon content of 74.35% being bound. However, studies conducted in West Java shows that charcoal briquette plant with a capacity of charcoal briquettes at 260 kg / day can be beneficial. In the supermarket can now be bought charcoal briquettes from wood with a selling price of Rp 12,000 / 2.5 kg. 

If the charcoal briquettes from sawmill sawdust can be used as an alternative energy source either as a substitute for kerosene and firewood can be saved it will be as many as 3.5 million tons of CO2 to Indonesia, while the world because the needs of fuelwood and charcoal for 2000 is estimated as much as 1 , 70 x 109 m3 (Moreira (1997) then the amount of CO2 that can be prevented from release as much as 6.07 x 109 tons CO2/th. 


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