Jumat, 01 April 2011


Silviculture is the science and art to manage forest stands through the development and control stands, growth, structure and composition of stands, and quality stands in accordance degan forest management objectives specified.

In general understanding of silviculture is
- Art of forest produce
- Application of knowledge silvika in treatments against forest
- Theory and practice of controlling forest development

Definition of Silviculture Systems 
In general terms silvicultural system is a process of producing forest is a cycle that consists of chain-chain activity component consecutive to each other (land preparation, planting, maintenance, thinning, harvesting) to achieve certain objectives in forest management. So silvicultural system is one important part (subsystem) of the system forest management, which can ensure the sustainability of forest ecosystems. According to the Society of American Foresters in Suhendang (2008), silvicultural system is defined as a planned series of treatment consists of maintenance, harvesting, and redevelopment of a stand.
According to Minister of Forestry Decree. P. 11/Menhut-II/2009, silviculture system is the harvesting system suitable site / place to grow based on the formation formation namely forest climatic processes and edafis and forest types that form in order system of sustainable forest management or crop farming and harvesting techniques.

Silvicultural systems can be distinguished: 
(1) According to the logging cycle, namely:
     - Polycyclic system which is the number of logging more than once during rotation. For example
        the system TPTI
    - System logging jemlah Monocyclic namely that only once in one rotation.
      An example system and system THPB THPA.

(2) According to the number of stand age classes, namely:
    - Coppige
    - Even-age
    - Two aged
    - Uneven-age

(3) According to the method of regeneration tegakannya, namely:
    - Clear cutting
    - Seed tree
    - Shelter wood
    - Selection
    - Coppice

(4) According pemanenannya system, namely:
    - Selective
    - Cutting out
    - Cutting hiatus
    - Cutting path

Definition of Silviculture Techniques
Silvicultural techniques is the use of techniques or treatments for forest tehadap maintain and improve forest productivity. The treatment can be done at this stage of regeneration, maintenance and thinning, and harvesting. Silvicultural techniques according to Minister of Forestry Decree. P. 11/Menhut-II/2009, such as: selection, tree breeding, seed supply, manipulation environment, planting and maintenance. Aspects of engineering and technology developers are very important in the development system silvicultural system that includes aspects of tree breeding. Environmental manipulation and integrated pest control.
The treatment technique depends on the silvicultural system used silvikurtur and forest management objectives. Silvicultural treatments that provide input / energy large called intensive silviculture / SILIN, while silvicultural treatments provide a small energy input, or just left to nature is called silvicultureextensively / SILEX.

1. Hatchery and nursery
2. selection and transportation of seedlings
3. Land preparation
4. Planting, including the determination of plant spacing
5. Plant maintenance including plant stitching
6. Weed Eradication
7. Fertilization
8. Spacing and
9. Control of pests and diseases

Understanding multisystem Silviculture
Multisystem silviculture is production forest management system which consists of two or more of the silvicultural system applied to a forest area and is a multi business with the aim of maintaining and improving timber production and other forest products and to maintain productive forest keawasan certainty. Multisystem silviculture applied in forest concession in Indonesia since mosaic state forest areas and forest condition in Indonesia has experienced changes very large, very diverse and generally suffer potential changes and ecological changes. Examples of silviculture in multisystem a unit of forest exploitation is more than one silvicultural system applied, for example TPTI and TPTII; TPTJ and THPB; THPA and THPB Pattern Agroforestry.

According Pasaribu (2008) application of silviculture multisystem needs to consider:
(1) The existence of a compact prawan forest and LOA are still good
(2) virgin forests, which are located and which is still good LOA
(3) LOA spread with the condition are not enough native saplings and grass-dominated
      grass and shrubs.
(4) LOA with good condition and the natural regenerative abilities and are not sensitive areas

According to Regulation No. 6 of 2007 the basics of selection silviculture based on the approach
(Pasaribu, 2008):
(1) Biodiversity, based on forest type according to climatic formations (rain forest
      tropical monsoon forest, peat swamp forest) and the formation edafis (swamp forest, brackish,
      swamp forests).
(2) Topography, geography, geology, and soil
(3) Soil and water conservation
(4) Technology
(5) The purpose of forest management.

Techniques in Natural Forest Silviculture SILIN

Election Requirements Engineering in Natural Forest SILIN Forest production capacity can be increased through application of silvicultural techniques as well as to maximize the socioeconomic benefits the local community, economy and ecology. According Sabarnurdin, Budiadi and Widiyatno (2008), in choosing silvicultural techniques based on the following requirements:
(1) ecological requirements of plant species
(2) The condition of natural seed bed
(3) The effect of harvesting on fauna and flora
(4) Tepe depth of soil, aspect and slope
(5) The condition of the pathogen and source of forest destruction
(6) Hope masyrakat about the characters and the benefits derived from forest
(7) Financial and other objectives of the owner-managed forests
(8) The cumulative effect of specific silvicultural decision stands on forest structure and ecological processes
      at landscape level
(9) Match harvesting intervention with panjanghutan-term ecological integrity.

Application Boundary Factor In Intensive Silviculture of Natural Forest
Given the intensive silviculture requires large energy inputs, so that require investment / high cost in development tegakannya, and consideration changes in the balance ecology / environment and natural forest surroundings which may result from the application of intensive silviculture, as well as supplying materials timber for the timber industry in the future can be predicted filled only from an area about 10-20% of the total area of ??existing natural forest to managed with intensive silviculture, the application of intensive silviculture should be sought ditrapkan only in the exact location of the natural forest, the area that meet the criteria as follows:
1. Areas where good accessibility
2. The area is relatively fertile
3. The area is flat to moderate topography
4. The area is located in the middle to downstream in a river basin (DAS)
5. Areas that are not easily eroded soil properties (low erosion sensitivity)
6. Forest areas of potential low to moderate, especially recommended in areas
    logged-over forest and mire.

Limiting factors such as severe topography, soil easily eroded, areas located upstream of a watershed, where the high areas (eg altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level) is a factor sislvikultur penbatas intensive application yand important / major in maintaining the balance lingkungan.Penerapan intensive silviculture in areas that are sensitive to environmental damage should as far as possible be avoided, especially in the areas of high rainfall. Because in general the application of intensive silviculture on natural tropical forest will cause the openness of land big enough and enough damage to residual stand weight at the time of land preparation and manufacture of point of planting, planting lane widening to obtain greater intensity of sunlight at the time of liberation many herizontal and vertical, thinning, and harvesting of timber end.

Techniques in TPTII SILIN
Based TPTII Guidelines (2005), TPTII system is natural forest silviculture regimes which requires enrichment plant in line at the post area selective logging, regardless of whether or not enough of seedling regeneration naturally available in the residual stand.

Residual stand that is managed by TPTII system is built on four main pillars, namely:
1. Target type excel
2. Genetic breeding
3. Environmental manipulation
4. Pembrantasan integrated pest and disease

With the implementation of the three pillars are in natural forest management system
TPTII expected quality of forests and wood production from natural tropical forests can

Activities in the implementation TPTII system consists of (TPTII Guidelines, 2005):
1. Seed Procurement
- Sources of seeds (garden / seed stands, natural seedlings, garden cuttings of shoots)
- Nursery

2. Land Preparation
- Preparation of planting lines
- Preparation and installation of marker
- Preparation of the planting hole

3. Cultivation
- Transportation of seedlings
- Shelter / storage of seeds in the field
- Planting seeds

4. Young Plant Maintenance
- Weeding fertilizers and mulching
- Exemption vertical
- Stitching

5. Thinning

6. Plant Protection
- Protection against forest fires
- Protection against weeds and pests
- Protection against forest encroachment

7. Harvesting

TPTII cutting cycle could be 30 years. The distance between the axis line is 20 m planting and 3 m wide planting line Spacing in point 2.5 m, so the number of seeds planted 200 trees per ha. The species planted are groups dipterocarpa (meranti species), commercial and local pre-eminent type of fast-growing commercial.

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