Jumat, 01 April 2011


Global warming or global warming is a serious problem that is threatening our world today. One result of global warming is rusaknyalapisan Ozone and climate change are uncertain.

Ozone is the Earth's mantle layer, which serves to protect the earth and its contents from ultraviolet light directly. You can imagine if there was no ozone layer that protects the earth, then there will be no cycle of life. If I may say the world will end. 

Have we all think, how the current state of the ozone? According to the research of scientists of the world, ozone layer depletion has been experienced from year to year. Even today he said the ozone hole already exists in the areas of Arizona. Ozone hole was formed because of the impact of global warming (global warming), and other greenhouse effect.

If there lubamg mean that's where the ozone emitting UV light directly, without any filter (ozone layer). All living things on earth will not be able to touch it directly with UV light. The sunlight we receive / feel each day, it is the result of ozone filtration. So that was no longer bebrbahaya for humans and other living things on earth.

Climate change is the uncertain consequences of global warming has been much felt today. Some areas in Indonesia has experienced very low rainfall resulting in water crisis (drought). While others were in the areas of very high rainfall resulting in flooding and landslides.

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