Jumat, 01 April 2011


Global warming or global warming is a serious problem that is threatening our world today. One result of global warming is rusaknyalapisan Ozone and climate change are uncertain.

Ozone is the Earth's mantle layer, which serves to protect the earth and its contents from ultraviolet light directly. You can imagine if there was no ozone layer that protects the earth, then there will be no cycle of life. If I may say the world will end. 

Have we all think, how the current state of the ozone? According to the research of scientists of the world, ozone layer depletion has been experienced from year to year. Even today he said the ozone hole already exists in the areas of Arizona. Ozone hole was formed because of the impact of global warming (global warming), and other greenhouse effect.

If there lubamg mean that's where the ozone emitting UV light directly, without any filter (ozone layer). All living things on earth will not be able to touch it directly with UV light. The sunlight we receive / feel each day, it is the result of ozone filtration. So that was no longer bebrbahaya for humans and other living things on earth.

Climate change is the uncertain consequences of global warming has been much felt today. Some areas in Indonesia has experienced very low rainfall resulting in water crisis (drought). While others were in the areas of very high rainfall resulting in flooding and landslides.


In general, the practice of  illegal logging are all cut timber activities, buy, or sell the wood in a way not legitimate. Practice with a way to cut down on areas That are banned but a legal principle with a letter Issued by Local Officials as a result of collusion. Illegal status occur cans During transport, Including the export process by Providing false information to customs, Until before wood sold in the legal market. As a result of illegal logging in Indonesian forests vulnerable phase, the damage is at a critical point. All types of forests to illegal logging in Indonesia has approximately 7.2 hectares of forest per minute, or 3.8 million hectares per year. This not only threatens biodiversity is in it but Also earnest cause a negative chain effect on the balance of nature Itself.
According to Dahlan, the total losses from illegal logging per year reached Rp 30 trillion, or Rp 2.5 trillion per month. This loss is four times the budget for the forestry sector. By saving 10 percent or USD $ 3 trillion of the total losses per year of illegal logging, for example, and vice presidential candidate cans promise the people That the cost of elementary and secondary education free. Not only that, speculatively Also cans of open employment for 220 thousand workers more.

If you cans save 50 percent or Rp 15 trillion of the total losses per year, not just the costs of education are free, but Also the cost of health services in the district EACH cans be fully borne by the government. Of course, cans Also function as a tactical fund prevention of dengue fever outbreak has claimed the which it. Rescue Would Also create a structure of forest-based enterprises cans That Provide employment for More Than 500 thousand inhabitants.

With the reduction in Indonesia's forest cover, most of the region of Indonesia has changed from the region most vulnerable to Disasters, both catastrophic droughts, floods and landslides. According to the National Coordinating Agency for Disaster Management of Data, 2003, from 1998 Until mid 2003, there have been 647 incidents of Recorded Disasters in Indonesia by 2022 fatalities and loss of billions of dollars, WHERE 85 percent of these are floods and landslides Disasters That the caused damage to the forest.

Wood Waste Processing

WOOD of waste handling is a problem that had been left to rot, stacked and burned all of which impact negatively on the environment so that mitigation should be considered. One way that can be taken is to use a value-added products with applied technology and populist so the results are easily socialized to masyarakat.Hasil evaluation showed some positive prospects as an example of applied technology can be applied satisfactorily defined in the processing industry to convert waste wood into charcoal powder , briquette charcoal, activated charcoal, charcoal, compost and soil-applied technology and populist conditioning.Penerapan can be developed into a large scale (pilot and commercial), both technically and economically. Furthermore, the success of waste utilization, among others, can benefit in terms of forestry and timber industry to reduce dependence on conventional raw material (wood), thereby reducing the rate of logging / forest damage and optimize the use of timber as well as save the family monthly expenditure and improve soil fertility. 

Charcoal Powder and Charcoal lump 
Especially for the manufacture of sawn wood charcoal from sawdust, the technology used is different from the way of making charcoal storage systems and brick kilns. The technology used in the process of making charcoal from wood sawdust is to use a modified drum and fitted with air holes around the drum body and chimneys in the middle drum body. Rendement sawdust charcoal produced in this way amounted to 15-20%. bound carbon content of 50-72 cal / g and charcoal calorific value between 5800-6300 cal / g. Given the way it is less effective when viewed from the long process of making charcoal powder which takes more than 10 hours with the result that not too many, then created a new technology to overcome the shortcomings the way the drum. This technology is designed with a construction made of iron plate elbow which can be dismantled pairs (the bolt) and covered with sheets of zinc are also using a system of bolts. In one day (9 hours) can compose as much powder 150-200 kg which produces charcoal yield between 20-24%. 3.49% moisture content, ash content 5.19%, 28.93% volatile matter content and carbon content of 65.88%. Sawdust charcoal produced can be made or further processing into briquettes charcoal, activated charcoal, and as a medium for plant seedlings. Cost to make this semi-continuous kiln is Rp. 2000.000, - For sebetan waste and cut the tip can be made using a charcoal stove dome made of bricks dipelester with clay and a container equipped with a tool or cool the smoke coming out of the chimney so obtained liquid and tar distillate that can be applied further. Wood vinegar liquid in Thailand is a major product in terms of making charcoal was previously a side product due to higher selling prices yanitu at 50 Bath / L while the ashes are only valuable to 4 Bath / kg. From the furnace capacity of 4.5 tonnes of distillate produced as much as 150 liters of fluid and charcoal as much as 800 kg (Sujarwo, 2000). Results of research conducted by Nurhayati (2000) showed that the furnace with a capacity of 445 kg of charcoal produces as much as 60.6 kg and 75.5 kg of distillate liquid. The cost of making furnace bricks plastered with clay which is equipped with tool cooling process Rp. 4000.000 (Nurhayati, 2000). 

Activated charcoal 

Activated charcoal is charcoal that is processed further at higher temperatures so that the pores open and can be used as adsorbent material. The process used by most of the way in which chemical raw material soaked in the solution, CaCl2, MgCl2, ZnCl2 further heated by burning at a temperature of 5000C. The results showed that the quality of activated carbon in this case the absorption of iodine to meet the SII standards for instance, absorbs more than 20%. In accordance with the development of technologies and standards are more stringent requirements as well as environmental issues, this technology is not possible to be further developed especially for use ZnCl2 activating material that can remove chlorine gas at the time of activation. 

Mensikapi cases mentioned above, has been active charcoal-making technology improvements by the oxidation of gas at high temperature and a combination of chemical means using H3PO4 as an activator material and oxidizing gas. The results Pari (1996) concluded that the activated charcoal from sawmill sawdust generated sengon chemical can be used to attract metals Zn, Fe, Mn, Cl, PO4 and SO4 contained in terkontaminas water wells and also can be used to purify industrial waste water paper pulp (Pari, 1996). Activated charcoal is activated by activating material NH4HCO3 produce activated charcoal that meet Japanese standards with iodine absorption of more than 1050 mg / g and active charcoal yield of 38.5% (Pari, 1999). 

In 1986 established an active charcoal plant in Kalimantan, which make activated carbon from waste sawdust sawn timber with a capacity of 3,000 tons / yr. Until now there are two processing plants that use activated charcoal powder sawn timber as its main raw material. Quality of activated charcoal produced meet the SNI because iodine absorption of more than 750 mg / g, but do not meet Japanese standards. The selling price of activated carbon vary between Rp 6,500 - Rp 15.000/kg depending on the desired quality. For German-made activated charcoal price mencapi Rp 65,000 / 0.5 kg. 

Charcoal briquettes 

Briquette charcoal is charcoal that is processed further to form briquettes (performance and packaging are more attractive) that can be used for daily energy needs. Manufacture of charcoal briquettes from waste wood processing industry is done by the addition of tapioca glue, where the raw materials prior diarangkan first and then pounded, dicapur adhesives, printed (kempa cold) with subsequent manual system hidroulik dried. The results Hartoyo, Ando and Roliadi (1978) concluded that the quality of charcoal briquettes produced commensurate with charcoal briquettes made in England and meet the requirements applicable in Japan because it produces ash content and volatile substances of low and high carbon content and calorific value bound. In addition, research results Sudrajat (1983) who make charcoal briquettes from 8 types of wood with an adhesive mixture of starch and molasses concluded that the higher the density of wood, charcoal briquettes karepatan higher as well. The resulting density of between 0.45 to 1.03 g/cm3 and calorific value between 7290-7456 cal / g. 

Manufacture of charcoal briquettes are made now are the raw materials used are already directly in the form of charcoal powder so that the process of grinding and sifting the raw material that made earlier can be eliminated. The next process is the addition of tapioca glue and pressing as the manufacture of charcoal briquettes before. To create a print tool briquettes hidroulik manual system with the number of holes 24 pieces of required cost of Rp 18,000,000, - 

In 1990 standing charcoal briquettes without glue factory in West Java and East Java which uses sawdust sawn timber as its main raw material. The process of making charcoal briquettes different from the way mentioned above. The raw material powder further dried sawn timber made of wood briquettes with rotating screw system up and running while heated and then diarangkan in brick kilns. The quality of charcoal briquettes produced have a calorific value of less than 7000 cal / g is equal to 6341 cal / g and carbon content of 74.35% being bound. However, studies conducted in West Java shows that charcoal briquette plant with a capacity of charcoal briquettes at 260 kg / day can be beneficial. In the supermarket can now be bought charcoal briquettes from wood with a selling price of Rp 12,000 / 2.5 kg. 

If the charcoal briquettes from sawmill sawdust can be used as an alternative energy source either as a substitute for kerosene and firewood can be saved it will be as many as 3.5 million tons of CO2 to Indonesia, while the world because the needs of fuelwood and charcoal for 2000 is estimated as much as 1 , 70 x 109 m3 (Moreira (1997) then the amount of CO2 that can be prevented from release as much as 6.07 x 109 tons CO2/th. 



Conservation is the various efforts to conserve and update the natural resources for

provide economic and social benefits to society in the long term. Sources nature that must be preserved and updated between Another is a river, lake, ocean, forest and park open nature and its diverse fauna population, as well as fertile soil and clean air.

Conservation also means saving measures with the use of energy efficient technologies and to change the wasteful habits energy. The main purpose was to conservation program preserve various kinds of plants, animals and all things natural hosts are
keanakaragaman biodiversity on the planet earth in a was protect the earth and water into their places

The conservation activists are always trying to find places place on land and at sea should prioritized to be preserved, for diversity living in it can be maintained in the long. By managing and protecting places
place like that in the long run, it is expected the future of the world's environment can be guaranteed. The
conservation activists also always tried to protect Such areas of fire danger, climate change and against many invasive species, especially in places like the park, the source-freshwater and forest resources.corservation  activists formed a partnership with the community, companies and local governments and well as other partner organizations to conserve natural resources in the form of earth and for water can also be enjoyed by future generations in the future.

The conservation activists must also work with traditional landowners. Such partnerships allows both parties to achieve their stated objectives. Despite various efforts great efforts have been made, various aspects such as changes climate, increased human population that is not control and changes in working methods in industry
and agriculture have threatened the safety of the environment us. The activists tried to create conservation
a world that can guarantee survival humans and all animals and plants. With In this way, all residents living creatures of nature always be respected and preserved for the benefit of future generations in the future. Activity- conservation activities which include assessment, documentation, and environmental improvement measures prevention of environmental damage that is supported by research and community education programs.

Nature conservation in Indonesia
Although the total area is only 1.3% of total earth's surface, but as an archipelago, Indonesia is an important habitat for 17% of all species of plant and animal world very unique and can not be found in the hemisphere
anywhere. Indonesia is a place of life 17% of all bird species in the world, 12% of all mammals, 16% of all species of reptiles and amphibians, and 33% of all insect species in dunia.Sebagai world's largest archipelago, Indonesia


Silviculture is the science and art to manage forest stands through the development and control stands, growth, structure and composition of stands, and quality stands in accordance degan forest management objectives specified.

In general understanding of silviculture is
- Art of forest produce
- Application of knowledge silvika in treatments against forest
- Theory and practice of controlling forest development

Definition of Silviculture Systems 
In general terms silvicultural system is a process of producing forest is a cycle that consists of chain-chain activity component consecutive to each other (land preparation, planting, maintenance, thinning, harvesting) to achieve certain objectives in forest management. So silvicultural system is one important part (subsystem) of the system forest management, which can ensure the sustainability of forest ecosystems. According to the Society of American Foresters in Suhendang (2008), silvicultural system is defined as a planned series of treatment consists of maintenance, harvesting, and redevelopment of a stand.
According to Minister of Forestry Decree. P. 11/Menhut-II/2009, silviculture system is the harvesting system suitable site / place to grow based on the formation formation namely forest climatic processes and edafis and forest types that form in order system of sustainable forest management or crop farming and harvesting techniques.

Silvicultural systems can be distinguished: 
(1) According to the logging cycle, namely:
     - Polycyclic system which is the number of logging more than once during rotation. For example
        the system TPTI
    - System logging jemlah Monocyclic namely that only once in one rotation.
      An example system and system THPB THPA.

(2) According to the number of stand age classes, namely:
    - Coppige
    - Even-age
    - Two aged
    - Uneven-age

(3) According to the method of regeneration tegakannya, namely:
    - Clear cutting
    - Seed tree
    - Shelter wood
    - Selection
    - Coppice

(4) According pemanenannya system, namely:
    - Selective
    - Cutting out
    - Cutting hiatus
    - Cutting path

Definition of Silviculture Techniques
Silvicultural techniques is the use of techniques or treatments for forest tehadap maintain and improve forest productivity. The treatment can be done at this stage of regeneration, maintenance and thinning, and harvesting. Silvicultural techniques according to Minister of Forestry Decree. P. 11/Menhut-II/2009, such as: selection, tree breeding, seed supply, manipulation environment, planting and maintenance. Aspects of engineering and technology developers are very important in the development system silvicultural system that includes aspects of tree breeding. Environmental manipulation and integrated pest control.
The treatment technique depends on the silvicultural system used silvikurtur and forest management objectives. Silvicultural treatments that provide input / energy large called intensive silviculture / SILIN, while silvicultural treatments provide a small energy input, or just left to nature is called silvicultureextensively / SILEX.

1. Hatchery and nursery
2. selection and transportation of seedlings
3. Land preparation
4. Planting, including the determination of plant spacing
5. Plant maintenance including plant stitching
6. Weed Eradication
7. Fertilization
8. Spacing and
9. Control of pests and diseases

Understanding multisystem Silviculture
Multisystem silviculture is production forest management system which consists of two or more of the silvicultural system applied to a forest area and is a multi business with the aim of maintaining and improving timber production and other forest products and to maintain productive forest keawasan certainty. Multisystem silviculture applied in forest concession in Indonesia since mosaic state forest areas and forest condition in Indonesia has experienced changes very large, very diverse and generally suffer potential changes and ecological changes. Examples of silviculture in multisystem a unit of forest exploitation is more than one silvicultural system applied, for example TPTI and TPTII; TPTJ and THPB; THPA and THPB Pattern Agroforestry.

According Pasaribu (2008) application of silviculture multisystem needs to consider:
(1) The existence of a compact prawan forest and LOA are still good
(2) virgin forests, which are located and which is still good LOA
(3) LOA spread with the condition are not enough native saplings and grass-dominated
      grass and shrubs.
(4) LOA with good condition and the natural regenerative abilities and are not sensitive areas

According to Regulation No. 6 of 2007 the basics of selection silviculture based on the approach
(Pasaribu, 2008):
(1) Biodiversity, based on forest type according to climatic formations (rain forest
      tropical monsoon forest, peat swamp forest) and the formation edafis (swamp forest, brackish,
      swamp forests).
(2) Topography, geography, geology, and soil
(3) Soil and water conservation
(4) Technology
(5) The purpose of forest management.

Techniques in Natural Forest Silviculture SILIN

Election Requirements Engineering in Natural Forest SILIN Forest production capacity can be increased through application of silvicultural techniques as well as to maximize the socioeconomic benefits the local community, economy and ecology. According Sabarnurdin, Budiadi and Widiyatno (2008), in choosing silvicultural techniques based on the following requirements:
(1) ecological requirements of plant species
(2) The condition of natural seed bed
(3) The effect of harvesting on fauna and flora
(4) Tepe depth of soil, aspect and slope
(5) The condition of the pathogen and source of forest destruction
(6) Hope masyrakat about the characters and the benefits derived from forest
(7) Financial and other objectives of the owner-managed forests
(8) The cumulative effect of specific silvicultural decision stands on forest structure and ecological processes
      at landscape level
(9) Match harvesting intervention with panjanghutan-term ecological integrity.

Application Boundary Factor In Intensive Silviculture of Natural Forest
Given the intensive silviculture requires large energy inputs, so that require investment / high cost in development tegakannya, and consideration changes in the balance ecology / environment and natural forest surroundings which may result from the application of intensive silviculture, as well as supplying materials timber for the timber industry in the future can be predicted filled only from an area about 10-20% of the total area of ??existing natural forest to managed with intensive silviculture, the application of intensive silviculture should be sought ditrapkan only in the exact location of the natural forest, the area that meet the criteria as follows:
1. Areas where good accessibility
2. The area is relatively fertile
3. The area is flat to moderate topography
4. The area is located in the middle to downstream in a river basin (DAS)
5. Areas that are not easily eroded soil properties (low erosion sensitivity)
6. Forest areas of potential low to moderate, especially recommended in areas
    logged-over forest and mire.

Limiting factors such as severe topography, soil easily eroded, areas located upstream of a watershed, where the high areas (eg altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level) is a factor sislvikultur penbatas intensive application yand important / major in maintaining the balance lingkungan.Penerapan intensive silviculture in areas that are sensitive to environmental damage should as far as possible be avoided, especially in the areas of high rainfall. Because in general the application of intensive silviculture on natural tropical forest will cause the openness of land big enough and enough damage to residual stand weight at the time of land preparation and manufacture of point of planting, planting lane widening to obtain greater intensity of sunlight at the time of liberation many herizontal and vertical, thinning, and harvesting of timber end.

Techniques in TPTII SILIN
Based TPTII Guidelines (2005), TPTII system is natural forest silviculture regimes which requires enrichment plant in line at the post area selective logging, regardless of whether or not enough of seedling regeneration naturally available in the residual stand.

Residual stand that is managed by TPTII system is built on four main pillars, namely:
1. Target type excel
2. Genetic breeding
3. Environmental manipulation
4. Pembrantasan integrated pest and disease

With the implementation of the three pillars are in natural forest management system
TPTII expected quality of forests and wood production from natural tropical forests can

Activities in the implementation TPTII system consists of (TPTII Guidelines, 2005):
1. Seed Procurement
- Sources of seeds (garden / seed stands, natural seedlings, garden cuttings of shoots)
- Nursery

2. Land Preparation
- Preparation of planting lines
- Preparation and installation of marker
- Preparation of the planting hole

3. Cultivation
- Transportation of seedlings
- Shelter / storage of seeds in the field
- Planting seeds

4. Young Plant Maintenance
- Weeding fertilizers and mulching
- Exemption vertical
- Stitching

5. Thinning

6. Plant Protection
- Protection against forest fires
- Protection against weeds and pests
- Protection against forest encroachment

7. Harvesting

TPTII cutting cycle could be 30 years. The distance between the axis line is 20 m planting and 3 m wide planting line Spacing in point 2.5 m, so the number of seeds planted 200 trees per ha. The species planted are groups dipterocarpa (meranti species), commercial and local pre-eminent type of fast-growing commercial.

Forest Definitions and Divisions

FOREST is an association of plant and environment which was dominated by woody vegetation that could create a micro climate and climate affect the macro in the vicinity.

According to forest functions can be divided into four functions as follows:

1. Forest Tourism
Forest tourism is used as a forest nature reserve that is intended to protect the plants and animals / endangered species so as not to perish / extinct in the future. Forest nature reserve is prohibited to cut down and converted the function compromised as open forests. Usually the tours into the forest recreation research people and places. managed tourism in forest management for commercial purposes, and can be used to save many species from different places

2. Forest Reserves
Forest is a forest reserve is used as agricultural land and settlements. On the island of Java there are about 20 million hectares of forest reserve management objectives for the welfare of the community.

3. Protected Forest
Protected forest is a forest that functioned as guardian ketaraturan water in the soil (the function of hydrolysis), keeping the soil to prevent erosion and to regulate the climate (climatological functions) as the mitigation of air pencematan like C02 (carbon dioxide) and C0 (carbon monoxide). Protected forests is protected from destruction blindly logging is generally found in the vicinity of the slope and the shoreline that is managed entirely by the government and society

4. Production Forest / Forest Industry
Ie production forest is a forest that can be managed to produce something of economic value. Production forest can be categorized into two groups namely the rain forests and forest cultivation. Rain forests are natural forests, while forest cultivation is deliberately managed forests man who usually consists of one crop only. Cultivated jungle man must cut down trees premises selective logging system by selecting the tree age and size just enough for a child who did not participate damaged

Viewed from forest species can be differentiated into:

1. Mangrove Forest
Mangrove forests are forests that grow in coastal areas muddy. Example: the east coast of Borneo, the south coast cilacap, etc..

2. Forest Sabana
Forest forest grassland savanna is spacious with a very small number of trees with low rainfall. Example: Nusa southeast.

3. Swamp Forest
Swamp forest is a forest in swampy areas with palm plants growing in swamp forest. Example: southern Papua, Kalimantan, and so on.

4. Tropical Rain Forest
Tropical rain forest is dense forest / jungle forest that grew around the equator / ukuator that have rained rainfall is very high. Forest type this one has a high humidity level, landless fertile, high humus and wet and difficult to enter by humans. This forest is very popular illegal logging and illegal loggers are also wicked fun destroying forests and cost the state billions of dollars. Example: Borneo forest, Sumatran forests, etc..

5. Seasonal Forests
Monsoon forest is a forest with high rainfall but had a long drought period that renders the leaves in times of drought.